Forums Forum Rudder Stock

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    • #6232

      I have recently become a GP14 owner.  The boat has been de-rigged and I am experiencing one or two difficulties in rigging it.  Specifically, I have a Cee Vee Rudder stock  (or see attachment below)

      Towards the back and top of the stock, there is a red pin (missing on mine) which I presume is the rudder lock and a further pin which I believe is a guide for the blade uphaul (also missing on mine).  Can anyone confirm my assumptions on this and suggest where I might get the bits or know of where I might see a diagram of how it is assembled?  Many thanks


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    • #6234
      Duncan Greenhalgh

      Hello Alan welcome to GP14’s. Hope you enjoy setting up and sailing your boat – plenty experts around if you need any free help or advise

      The blade hold down arrangement on the rudder stock you show changed design, so the picture might be misleading. The red pivot is a cam that rotates into a semi circle cut out at the top of the blade locking it in down position. Later preferences which yours might be if there is no cam and red pivot. The other variant had a rope hold down fixed to the front face of the blade above the water line. The rope turns around the round spacer towards top rear of the stock (can just see the nut holding it in place on your pic). Rope exits the stock through the gap under the tiller via a 2:1 to a cleat usually half way along the tiller.

      Hope this brief gives you an idea to investigate, however if you want further or picture of mine send me your email to duncan.greenhalgh at may help if you send a picture of the parts you have.

      Best wished Duncan



    • #6259

      Hello Alan.  My rudder (GP13511) was as the illustration but the cam arrangement was a curse, it slipped on the spindle so you were never sure if it was released or not,  and I have recently modified it to a downhaul and cleat.  I fitted a sheave at the back but didn’t think to use a 2:1 purchase as Duncan describes. Enjoy the boat.



      • #6261

        Many thanks Norman – all responses so far concur that the downhaul is better.



    • #6260
      Oliver Shaw

      I am absolutely convinced that the optimum arrangement,  whatever may have been fitted originally,  is a rope downhaul and a CL257 (Holt,  or 257,  the equivalent from RWO) auto-release cleat,  which latter is designed for this specific purpose.    Couple that with an uphaul and a cleat to keep the blade raised when required  –  and that includes when the boat is on her launching trolley,  so you can rig the rudder at ease before you launch,  and leave it in place until after you have recovered the boat asher,  a great convenience.


      The auto-release cleat will trip out if the blade hits an underwater obstruction,  thus protecting your blade (and your transom).   The latest generation of this fitting (which has been around for some years now) has provision for adjusting the tension at which it trips.


      Also adjust the tension on the blade pivot bolt so that there is just sufficient tension to prevent any sideways sloppiness of the blade,  but the blade still moves up and down as easily as possible,  then  use your uphaul and downhaul to control the vertical position.   That adjustment of the pivot tension is a very fine one;   just slightly too much and the blade won’t move freely,  not quite enough and it may flop about from side to side;    it is neither a long job nor a difficult one to get it right,  but it is worth taking the trouble to do so.




      • #6262

        Thanks Oliver – there’s actually a CL257 fitted but no evidence of a rope downhaul – I can’t make out where and how to attach to the blade and where to route the rope.



    • #6263
      Oliver Shaw

      The easiest way to answer the general approach is to refer you to the set of photos which are on the GP14 Owners Online Community site;  link to the site on our Links page.


      Those photos are for a Don Marine rudder stock,  but the principle is broadly transferable between different stock designs.




      • #6268

        Thanks Oliver – sorry to keep adding. I have logged in to the <span style=”color: #444444; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em; background-color: #fbfbfb;”> </span><span style=”color: #444444; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em; background-color: #fbfbfb;”>GP14 Owners Online Community site but can’t find the Don Marine set of photos?</span>

    • #6265

      Hello again Alan.  You mention to Oliver uncertainty about attaching the downhaul to the blade.  My blade has a notch, a sector of a circle, where the cam was designed to engage.  With the blade lying on the stock I determined the line of pull to the pin/sheave at the back of the stock into this notch and drilled a 5mm hole about 25mm deep along the blade centreline to meet an 8mm hole drilled across the blade to hold a knot in the end of the downhaul.  Hope this is understandable, a picture would be better but is not immediately practicable. Mail back if required.


    • #6269
      Oliver Shaw



      Go to Photos > Albums > Rudder


      Get back to me if there is a problem.





      • #6270

        Thanks Oliver – got the album.

        Many thanks to all who have put forward many great ideas – there does seem like several thoughts and variations and will put in place next week.



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