GP14 Sailing Forums Forum Sailing The CHELSEA…

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    • #2377

      Hi, I just joined the group and wanted to thank Hugh Brazier for featuring my vintage GP14 the CHELSEA in your “News” section of the new website. I just checked my stats on YouTube and Facebook, my video has been seen more than 500 times by people all over the world … United States, United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Canada, Italy, Poland, Russia, Denmark, Australia, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Romania, Bermuda, Ireland, Croatia, Japan, Sweden. I may not have been able to sail around the world yet but the CHELSEA has 🙂
      To view the video, CLICK HERE
      To learn more about my restoration of the GP #8420/#73 CLICK HERE

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    • #2521

      Hey bill,   Enjoyed the blog and clip, congratulations . Nice job



    • #2573
      Oliver Shaw

      Great to see this on here.

      After a period of decline,  there is now a small but apparently strengthening band of GP14 enthusiasts in what I think are the north-eastern states of the USA (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,  I think,  but my geography is rusty and I am very definitely open to correction),  and it is good to see that enthusiasm for the boat.

      There are certain issues with the standing rigging of this particular boat,  but we are already in discussion on this “in another place”,  to borrow Parliamentary terminology,  and I think we all now know the way forward.



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