GP14 Sailing Forums Forum gp14 rudder stock help needed

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    • #27630
      jamie isles

      Hi All

      I am interested in buying a new gp14 rudder stock and blade, I have had a look around and seem to struggle to find many for sale. milanesfoils and pinbax don’t seem to have much on their website?  Am I missing a location that has a good selection for Rudder stocks and blades, I ideally wanted to get a stock with an adjustable pin position , ifs that a good idea or are the fixed pins better ? I own a wooden boat so would ideally like a metal stock and wooden blade

      Any help and guidance appreciated


      many thanks


      Jamie isles



    • #27667
      Oliver Shaw

      Agreed PinBax seem to have very little,  although they do have some.   Personally I find their choice of stocks not aesthetically pleasing,  and I would distrust plywood for rudder blades,  just as it is a big NO NO for centreboards,  and for the same reason  –  the material is designed to be equally strong in both directions,  but that is achieved only at the cost of much-needed strength in the one direction in which (for this application) it matters!    (Every time I hear of a GP14 breaking its centreboard I always ask “Was it a plywood one”?   The score to date is 100%!)

      I suspect that you will have a laborious and not very rewarding search,  unfortunately.

      But if you are thinking of buying new,  why not approach one of our builders who works in wood,  and ask what they can offer you.   They may well be able (and willing) to build you a wooden stock and blade at a price competitive with Milanes or Pinbax,  and it may be more to your liking.   There are a handful of builders to choose from.

      Hope this helps,



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