The E. H. Davies Youth Training Week
Plas Menai Outdoor Pursuits Centre
Sponsored by Craftinsure and Robline UK

The week started on Sunday when 11 sailors arrived late afternoon with their boats. Two potential sailors had unfortunately succumbed to the Covid restrictions but fortunately we will be seeing one later in the week.
The evening was spent getting to know each other, looking at the weeks programme and Craftinsured sponsored hoodies were given out.
Monday dawned and after breakfast all were assembled to hear words of wisdom from out Guest Coach of the day Phil Hodgkins from Gingerboats. His particular topic was boat setup, rigging, importance checking everything in the boat from front to back before every race. He also talked about mast chocking and use of the kicker. To make up our numbers one of the Centres Instructors came out to crew for James and so the 6 boats could be used. With the wind strength threatening to rise, by 11.00am boats were being rigged and checked ready for launching. The morning was then spent in shake down mini races and an initial knowledge was gained on tidal effects in the straights. A short break for lunch with a quick debrief and the 6 boats were out on the water again in a top end F3/4, this time follow my leader, tacking and gybing on the whistle and more mini races. The improvement was already there to see from each of the boats. There were a few capsizes, but all managed the difficult condition very well, with several having never sailed in that wind strength
A final debrief of the day with Phil, and our tired sailors were ready for a shower and an evening meal.
Day 2 is destined to start early to beat the weather!