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  • in reply to: Repairing 4037 – cleaning the mast and hull repair #5027

    Thanks Oliver. That’s helpful. I’m hoping not to need to split the mast, but we shall see. We tried cleaning it with sandpaper wrapped around a small bottle brush, and then varnished with  the same. It seemed to work ok. I haven’t tried the sail in it yet though. I don’t think there were any loose bits in there when I varnished.  Did you look at my mast step?

    I have had a good look for “4037” on the hog, but can’t find any numbers, so either it’s never been measured, or the number was removed with the repair. Do I disqualify the boat from class events with my new mast step? I matched the hole size, depth and position from the old one, but made it wider to strengthen the area around the previous owner’s repair.

    in reply to: Repairing 4037 – cleaning the mast and hull repair #4947

    Hi all,

    I am an engineer and reasonably competent with woodworking tools, but we’re new to owning dinghies and GP14s, having happily acquired GP14 4037 by accident after a offer I couldn’t refuse from the friend of a friend (we initially only wanted the trailer, but you know how it can be with a old boat that needs a bit of TLC)! We would really like to get it sailing again.

    It has had some damage to the hull repaired around the mast step – I’m told the hull was holed next to the step by a wayward trailer pad and that there was no damage to the keel or hog. The wooden mast step was rotten, so I have made a new one from a sound 300 year old oak beam – it’s beautiful wood.

    The rib forward of the centreboard case was also rotten where it was against the centreboard. I have made and scarfed in a new piece from good quality marine ply.

    My main query relates to the wooden mast. I have removed the fittings and stripped the varnish off it to recoat it, but how do I clean out and recoat the slot the mainsail runs in? Please excuse my ignorance for not knowing the name of this slot! I don’t want to damage the wood, which is quite thin in this area.

    If I post an appropriate photo of the hull, would anyone be able to comment on the old repair?

    Many thanks,

    Tim Adlam

    ps: apologies to the moderator for initially putting this post in entirely the wrong place, and for the html pasted in the post earlier – it didn’t show on my screen. Can I delete or edit posts? I couldn’t find how to correct it.

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