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  • Mike Senior

    Some really good points here. It is worth noting however, in most championship races the target time for the first finisher is 50 mins. I would personally prefer 40mins with more races but realise this is not everyone’s cup of tea so I think 50 mins is a good compromise.

    I think adding more incentives to the bottom end of the fleet is a great idea and I will suggest such things as discounts when the championship committee next meets. I like the idea of charter boats but how could this be managed? Would the association organise it or would the boat finder forum work? I can’t see how the association could organise it as it would require an immense amount of effort from individuals to make it work effectively. It is very easy to add another forum to the website, but is there enough interest in this?

    With regard to the buddy system, we are running this at the nationals this year and have made a few changes to encourage people to share best ideas. I have always been keen to expand this outside of the nationals, but ideas to how this could work?

    I like the club points, but is easier said than done. How do you propose this could work, considering members of the committee are all voluntary and have limited time. I think it could be done but I also suspect we would need more people to get on board to make this work effectively.

    I can’t see how the association could act as a brokerage for selling boats. There could be issues around liability, however offering some form of guidance could help.

    in reply to: Event Entry Fees #2000
    Mike Senior

    The costing for an event championship is based on running a simple budget where the costs don’t exceed the revenue. I realise this sounds like common sense but it easier said then done when you don’t know how many boats are attending a championship. A target fleet of 50 boats was set for the Nationals this year and thus costs calculated as such. If we could have guaranteed say 80 boats the costs would have been lower, and more in line with other championships. However, following a UK worlds it is unrealistic to expect that many boats when a large proportion of the GP membership is based further south. It is reasonable to expect that not everyone will do a nationals every year and therefore we have to forecast accordingly.

    The cost per boat maybe a little more expensive than other venues but Largs is a professionally ran venue who have experience running top championship events. The cost of accommodation is also lower than if the championship was ran on the south coast. Whilst it very much depends on where you are travelling from it is likely that this championship will end up being good value for money once total costs are taken into account. It is also worth noting that the championship is a potential 6 day event so the Spare race day also has to be accommodated with Race officer, rescue all at a cost per boat. A full social program will be provided for the event in addition which will include perks such as drinks after sailing, a BBQ, entertainment and other activities.

    Obviously a great way to decrease costs would be to find a cash sponsor willing to spend a significant amount of money. This is however, extremely difficult in the present climate. If anyone would like to get involved on this for future championships, we are always looking for people to help

    Hope this helps explain.

    Mike Senior (Part of the Championship Committee)

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