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  • in reply to: Is the GP14 Class in decline #24789

    Hi Oliver I believe that all you have said is true, but do you agree that less people are sailing Gp”s ? If so  something different may be required. I think  a big problem for Gp sailors is getting a crew. If sail plan an controls could be made easier for single handed sailing, and racing and open meetings accommodate single hand sailing it may make a difference

    in reply to: Kicker and Rig Tension #22945

    Thanks for the reply Oliver. The boat I am working on is very old sail No 13050 and I have a newer boat 14211 , the new boat is chocked the old one has no chock and has no mast step conversion I do not have the same problem with the new boat. I love sailing the old boat usually single handed, thus the excess kicker when it blows a bit. I will for next season fit your excellent reefing system and reduce my kicker use. Am I mad to prefer the old boat people think that I am, I always finish towards the back of the fleet but with a huge smile om my face I just love the boat


    in reply to: Mast gate #21916

    Thanks Oliver I will re-tune the boat from scratch

    in reply to: Mast gate #21914

    Sorry Oliver may be i didn’t explain myself properly. My mast gate was left on for 3 months plus over the covid shut down and may be its my imagination but it now doesn’t  seem to sail as it did before


    in reply to: Whisker Pole #21624

    Thanks Oliver I new that you would have the answers. I will try it next week, I sail at Trimpley sailing club and it’s quite a small water with very flukey winds. On many occasions I have been stop dead by the spinney.

    Thanks once again Oliver

    in reply to: Crew saver Mast Float #21542

    Thanks for the advice Oliver , it has helped a lot

    in reply to: Mainsail Mod #18865

    Hi Oliver

    I have now read your paper  on reefing systems, and it is brilliant. I have also today spoken to HD sails and they have given me the same advice. I have never used a rope halliard, but I am more than willing to give it a go. You have been very helpful, but could I ask one more question. Could I leave the sharks tooth rack in place and still add the clam cleat and would I need to add a pulley block to stop the rope fraying on the hole through the mast?

    Best regards Kenny

    in reply to: Mainsail Mod #18835

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for your reply, just to give you a little back ground as to why I want to cut the sail and keep the wire halyard. I have recently retired  and and now sail on Wednesday afternoons, with my grandson (4 stone) and wife (8 stone or so she tells me), this gives me a very light all up crew weight and even in a moderate wind I have a problem keeping the boat flat. They both become really nervous if I have to aggressively hike and the boat heals, I don’t want to put them off. My normal weekend crew is 14 stone and we do not have a problem, so I want if possible to maintain my racing ring for the weekends, and reduce sail in the week.

    I have spoken to HD Sail and the are going to cut down the sail and add a wire halyard to make up the difference, they are also going to cut down one of my old Genoa and turn it in to a midi. I will let you know how this lot performs if you wish, but I hope that it works so I can encourage the next generation of GP14 sailors and still keep my boat competitive  in the club races at the weekend

    Best regards Kenny

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