Home Forums Forum Winter Mainsail

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    • #2391
      Liz Hall

      Articles for this issue of Mainsail would be most welcome – by the end of the month please. Please send them to liz.hall@mheh.eu. Articles should be about 1000 words, but this is a very flexible figure. Photos are always welcome, so long as they are high res.
      For this issue, I would be particularly pleased to hear from women sailors either helms or crews. Just a few words would do, as I may do a composite article on this subject, as well as, hopefully, longer ones. I feel there are a lot of happy female GP sailors out there, but we are under-represented. (There may also of course be a few miserable ones – anonymity will be preserved, if necessary!)
      We try to cover as wide a range of interests as possible, so if you have anything to say, for example, about racing tips, about any of the championship events this year, a trip you have made in your boat, your experience of learning to sail, about bringing an old boat back to life, rigging or other technical matters, or about any other GP14 subject, we would love to hear from you.


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