GP14 Sailing Forums Forum Whisker Pole

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    • #9621

      I’m looking for a whisker pole for the genoa – what length do I need and where to get one? They seem unreasonably expensive.

    • #9625
      Oliver Shaw

      If you already have a spinnaker pole you could use that;   the lengths are the same,  and a small loop of line (about 4 mm) permanently attached to the clew of the sail will enable the end fitting to attach to the sail.


      If you don’t have a spinnaker pole,  the stresses on a jibstick are pobably somewhat lighter,  so you could make one out of wood.


      I imagine that you don’t intend to use it in competitive racing,  so although Class Rules are a useful guide you need not be a slave to them.    Your choice of design;  length 6 feet.




    • #9636

      Thanks Oliver – a mine of information as usual.



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