Home Forums Forum What cover for an FRP GP?

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      Hi everyone, I have a new boat! Well new to me. An FRP GP14 – 13114. Any previous boats we’ve owned have been wooden and so we have tried to use breathable covers. Does this matter with an FRP boat or can I just get a pvc cover which will probably be cheaper?

      Also, there are some inspection hatches in the boat – am I right in thinking that I should open some of these especially during hot weather? Should I leave the bung out as well or is that too risky?

      I attach a photo of the boat, taken a few weeks ago at my local sailing place – West Kirby Marine Lake, Wirral. I’m not happy with the way the boom is so low but I can’t seem to pull the mainsail up any higher . . any thoughts?

      Thanks, (Mrs) Bernie Hailwood


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