Home Forums Forum Vintage viable project boat in generally nice condition free to good home.

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    • #20934
      Oliver Shaw

      I have just been contacted by an owner and a past Member who is looking for a good home for his Bell-built GP14.   She looks in very nice condition except for two pieces of repairable damage;  a trailer accident (something gone through the bottom) and a localised hole in the foredeck.   She has been dry stored in a garage,  but sadly is now out on his driveway because of space issues.

      Date uncertain,  but she has the early shrouds arrangement (attached above deck),  so I would guess no later than about 1960.

      Probably uniquely for a Series 1 boat,  and certainly outside Class Rules,  she has Series 2 transom scuppers!

      There was a delay of more than a month before I saw his email (it went direct into the spam folder in my server,  so it never got downloaded),  so in the meantime he has listed it on eBay.   However he would very much prefer that she goes to a good home,  and apart from the mast and trailer (for which he is happy to consider offers,  otherwise he has another boat on which he would use them)  he is not looking for payment  –  but he does suggest a donation to RNLI.

      His email address is ian.wagdin@ntlworld.com.     He is looking for the registered number,  and I will update this further when I have that information.

      Meanwhile I have fuller info,  and more photos.




      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by getmwaqar.
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