Home Forums Forum Spinnaker Halyard

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      Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere – I’ve been searching the internet and this site but just can’t find what i’m looking for.

      I’m a brand new GP14 owner – well, i’m brand new to GP14 – my boat however is a series 2 wooden GP14 from, I think, the early 90s

      I’ve sailed a number of dinghies before, so I have been having great fun working out the ropes of my ‘new’ boat.  Crucially i’ve never sailed anything with a spinnaker in it – so I’m looking forward to getting to grips with it…however there’s one thing i can’t work out:

      The boat is rigged with twinning lines, an elastic uphaul and a rope downhaul – all of that I can work out.  Oddly the thing I can’t make sense of is the spinnaker halyard.  I’ve read and seen pictures of a halyard pulley system going up the forestay in series 1 boats, but also read that this is not normally the way with series 2.  From entering the sheave, my halyard goes down the mast and along the  bottom of the boat to a 2:1 pulley system near the transom – so that makes sense. My question is how is the halyard is then normally run/rigged from when it comes out of the mast sheave to the the spinnaker head (when the spinnaker is stowed under the foredeck in a bag) such that it is secure and, of course, clear/outside of the jib/jib sheets, so that it can be raised when it is either on the leeward or windward side.

      I can see how this could be done by running the halyard down the forestay –  perhaps with some sort of attached (via appropriately placed stop knots) loop that ran up and down the forestay – and then aft along the foredeck, but even then I’m not certain how you could ensure that it did run all the way to the bottom of the forestay, when taking the spinnaker in, without some sort of extra rope system pulling the loop down..so my question is – is this (or something like this) the normal way of running the spinnaker halyard?  I suspect i may not be, but I can’t work out an alternative, or find any pictures or guidance which sets one out

      So I’ve come to the conclusion that the solution must be so obvious that it isn’t worthy of mention anywhere! so  if anybody can help by telling me what the obvious/usual solution to running the spinnaker halyard once it exits the mast sheave on a series 2 boat is, i’d be really grateful




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