Forums Forum Spare parts for a new proud owner of a 1977 GP-14 in Greece?

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    • #15248

      Hello gp-14 sailors,


      Please forgive my lack of english as it is not my native language. As the title says, I am a proud owner of a GP-14 in Greece and I am having difficulties finding spare parts in Greece. I am looking especially for the black rails on top of the mast (we call it Cross in Greece) that hold the rigging together. I find it impossible to find this part in Greece or even on the internet and I thought to ask the forum for the possibility to locate this part? Any help would be greatly appreciated. My GP-14 and me will be very happy if you help us “go with the flow” of the greek sea. 🙂


      Happy seas to all!

    • #15251

      Hello Pechlivanis,

      Is it a matter of difficulty in finding the correct technical translation?  What might be called “cross trees” are referred to as “spreaders” in dinghy circles.  Does the mast already have a fitting for them , or do you require that as well?  Is it a wooden or metal mast?  I have several for aluminium masts and you are welcome to them if the delivery is not too expensive.  I also suggest that you look at some of the tuning guides.


    • #15252


      I should also have said that a boat of that age may not originally have had spreaders.


    • #15254

      Hello Norman,


      Thank you for your reply. If you are aware of the term “sounds greek to me” then I can assure you, Google translate has the same problem. 🙂 There are unfortunately various words in greek that describe the same word but not in sailing. I usually end up with a christianity cross. Thank you for my new english word in sailing “mast spreaders”.

      I have a fitting for them and 1 of the metal rails. I attach a photo of it. I might have one possibility to replace them with Selden but I am still waiting for a confirmation from the local factory. As I said, GP-14 is not a common sailing boat in Greece. I am not sure why, it is a lovely boat!

      Thank you for all the information sharing. I would be more than happy to get them from you and pay for all costs if it does not cost me a foot, a leg and a kidney. 🙂 Do you have a way to find out about possible costs?


      Again, Thank you for your information. I appreciate your time replying to me!

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    • #15280

      Hi Pechlivanis

      Spreaders will probably only be sold in pairs and I don’t think GP spreaders will differ much from those of other, similar sized dinghies.   Royal Mail will send an untracked parcel to Greece in 3-5 days for a price I can justify on the grounds of some of the “will come in useful” stuff in my garage actually being used.  Please email me direct: to arrange details.


    • #16476

      Φιλε μου καλημέρα…βρηκες ακρη?

    • #16477

      Γεια σου Λάμπρο,

      Ναι βρήκα σε ευχαριστώ. Είσαι Ελλάδα; Έχεις gp-14; Εάν ναι θα χαιρόμουν να μου δώσεις τπτ πληροφορίες για κανένα ελληνικό φόρουμ ή κάτι ανάλογο. Δεν έχω δει κανένα μέχρι στιγμής.

    • #16568

      Theres a wooden mast hanging up in my workshop. It needs completely refinishing, and probably splitting in two and reglueing. This will be easier Tham making one from scratch, and should give a perfect mast.

      It isnt mine to sell/give away, but I want it gone! We are North Birmingham, UK.

      Email me if I can help –

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