Home Forums Forum Rudder down haul shock cord

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    • #27143
      Paul Bickley

      Hi all, my boat has a pivoting rudder but the shock cord isn’t up to the job now. I notice it’s been pinned down both ends, so my question is should I replace like for like, or is there a better solution these days?

      many thanks Paul

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    • #27148

      IDK if this is any use, but mine has thin control line not shockcord (probably 4-5mm) .  The basic V cleat was past it so I replaced it with a CL257 Auto-Release clam cleat & new line.

    • #27150
      Paul Bickley

      Thanks for the replies, will I need to drill a hole in the rudder blade leading edge to attach the new line to? Not keen on nailing it as the shock cord was.

      thank you

    • #27151
      Oliver Shaw

      Drilling a hole is one very good way of doing it.



    • #27152
      Paul Bickley

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you</p>

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