Hi again,
Sorry for all the questions but new to sailing and the GP14 Dinghy.
The new build is coming to an end with just the varnishing to complete so wanting to protect all the work while towing. I’m asking for recommendations for the towing covers both Top and Under cover. I could of course just pick from the internet. There is Trident UK, and Rain & Sun Boat covers who seem to have good reviews. How about Creation Covers, they appear to be 5 miles from me which would be brill. and their website shows interesting work by them but I can’t get them to reply !!!!
Oliver Shaw, you kindly offered to show me a picture of your bottom cover which you can put in position by yourself. As I expect to sail mostly single handed I will require something similar to yours. Thank You. New combination trailer arriving this week.
Question about reefing a Genoa on the GP14.
I watch a video by Areoluff Spars and noticed that on a Wayfarer Dinghy the Genoa cars were inboard and between the seat slats so as to be out of the way when sitting. Where are they fitted on a GP14 it being a narrower Dinghy. Thank You.