Home Forums Forum Position of Genoa tracks?

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      Hello, I have just acquired some Genoa tracks and am trying to determine where they should go.  I’ve always been rather casual when it comes to sail setting and now want to improve – my recent (cruiser racing) crewing experience has shown how a small difference in the position of the cars on the track can make a significant difference to the sail set, so I need to get this right.

      I’ve looked at the CA Rules & they’re not mentioned.  I have a GRP mid 70’s model, beleived to be Bourne- will they be the same on all Mk.s (there is an early GRP/wood hulk in our dinghy pen)?  Looking at the galleries, on more serious boats than mine, they seem to be set so the aft end of the track is about level with the leading edge of the thwart.  Mine are longer than these and I can’t see if they’re angled in on those photos.

      If anyone has any measurements or setting-up criteria, I would be grateful.

      Many thanks, Jonathan

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