Home Forums Forum New owner requesting some advice and a few more questions.

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    • #21763

      Hi I’ve recently purchased a GRP GP14, I believe it to be a MK2, I can’t find the makers plate  I presume it should have been here, you can just about make out where two fixings hav previously been

      Also there is this on the thwart

      it came with sails showing the number 8866 (the previous owner, whom owned it for the last 6 years said he also got them with the boat), I was hoping to find out a bit more about the manufacture and the boats possible history (I’m not keen on the current name and would like to know if she had a previous one!)here’s a few more pictures…

      So as for my question on floorboards are they to sit on the floor of the boat or should they sit on the lip of the centre board casing? I’m having trouble trying to find any pictures to aid me in finding out.


      Thanks in advance

      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by getmwaqar.
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