GP14 Sailing Forums Forum New Member and New Boat

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    • #20417

      We purchased a GP14 this weekend, and managed to get her rigged and on the water on Sunday.  The sail number is 12005, but we have not been able to find any number on the actual boat (maybe we are not looking in the right place?).  We wanted to see if we could find out any history on her, specifically when she was built and whether she has had a name at any point.  Any feedback would be most gratefully received.

    • #20418
      Oliver Shaw

      Congratulations on your purchase;   enjoy!

      You don’t tell us which model she is.    If Series 2 (i.e. wooden) look on the aft face of the centreboard casing,  just above the false floor;   depending on your layout it may possibly be obscured by toe straps,  spinnaker halliard,  or whatever.

      If she is one of the glassfibre boats (including FRP and epoxy boats) the number should be permanently marked in the hull in accordance with the relevant Licence Agreement  –  which is specific to the particular model.    However it would be worth looking on the hog (if visible),  or in as near as possible the equivalent position to that on the wooden boats;   otherwise you will have to tell us which model you have,  and then I hope that someone on the forum can help you.



    • #20419

      Thank you for your response.  She is glassfibre.  We will have another look for the number tonight when we go back down to the club.  Took her out again last night, and starting to get to grips, and really very pleased with our purchase.  Needs a bit of TLC, but generally she is in pretty good shape.


    • #20420
      Oliver Shaw

      As glassfibre she could be one of a small handful of models.    That is not my area of special expertise,  but if you can identify the builder,  or post a photo,  I trust that someone else can direct you to where to find the number.



    • #20421

      Hopefully these are clear enough pictures, but I will take some more later.

    • #20422
      Oliver Shaw


      Your photos have not appeared;    you will need to re-size them,  as the maximum file size which the system will accept is 512 KB.



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