I have acquired GRP no 8049 a well used ex Blackwater Sailing Club training boat, which I spent last lockdown carrying out gelcoat repairs and varnishing the limited woodwork. Now hoping to take it out in the not too distant future I want to replace the halyards (both wire with rope to pull on) as the rope sections look pretty frail. I see Kevin Butler Rigging on ebay offers to make up to your own measurements, so got the tape measure out….
When I looked closer at what is there I found that the Jib appears to be straightforward 2.5mm wire with a loop for the Highfield lever and 4mm rope, the main halyard seems to have wire and rope fully spliced together as shown on the photo here. The main halyard is also a lighter gauge – 2mm perhaps?
Would anyone offer an opinion on the best setup? I figure I can copy what I have exactly or go for an all rope main halyard – would that work? I see rope halyards are listed by suppliers for the GP but is that for a specific mast setup? I think if I went for a loop in the wire with the rope spliced to that as shown in the KBR ebay listing then I wouldn’t get the loop through the block at the masthead (see photo). The mast is an ageing IYE gold anodized type.
Any thoughts gratefully received!
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