Home Forums Forum Jib halyard tensioning

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      Hi all,

      Sorry if this is a topic already covered else where but if it is I conuldn’t find it.

      My friend has just moved from a Mirror to an old wooden GP14. I have sailed a lot but never in a GP and helped him take it out for a first sail the other day.

      I am not convinced the jib tensioner is setup correctly (see photo). It is made up of a wire and a couple of pulleys, one end has a hook to attach to the loop in the halyard wire, the tensioner wire then goes down, round a pulley, back up to a second pulley and finally down to a shackle that fastens it to the mast.

      This feels wrong as there is no way to adjust the tension (which is way to slack) and getting the end of the halyard onto the hook takes a lot of brute force.

      Can anybody offer any advice or e-mail me a photo of how it should be set up?





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