Forums Forum Insurance


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    • #15231


      any suggestions for good value and reliable insurance for a GP 14 please?

    • #15234
      Oliver Shaw

      You could try the official Class Association policy,  arranged with Craftinsure.

      I at least have been very well served by them,  and not only for my successive GP14s but for my trailer-sailer yacht as well.   They are certainly my insurer of choice,  and that is as a result of a business relationship built up over somewhere around ten years.

      They understand the risks,  and they understand sailing,  helped in large measure by the fact that their senior Underwriter is a sailing man himself.    So if you are reasonable and responsible and seamanlike,  they well understand  –  and accept  –  the things that can occasionally go wrong if you slip up,  or if someone else does so.

      I have found them excellent when I have wanted extensions to my policies,  for cruising.  And their claims settlement is first class.   We all hope never to have a claim,  but it does occasionally happen.    Over the course of ten years,  with up to three boats simultaneously,    I have had two theft claims (the last one being when my car was stolen,  with a load of kit from the yacht inside) and one for a bent mast when several boats in our boat park blew over during an exceptional storm.   In all three cases their settlement was prompt and courteous and efficient;   and where I thought there were possibly slightly grey areas they were very concerned to ensure that I was fully recompensed.

      They may not be the cheapest,  but they are certainly good.



    • #15246
      Chris Hearn

      Yes, try CraftInsure – see details on this website under About/Insurance

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