Home Forums Forum How old is my GP14?

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    • #20145
      Chris Hearn

      Particularly of interest to owners of vintage, or at least older boats , Oliver Shaw has collated known information on Sail Numbers and the year of issue.

      The Sail Number on your boat SHOULD be the same as the hull number, normally found at the back of the centreboard casing.

      Available to Members in our Members Library



      That data was originally listed on the old website,  fifteen or more years ago.and I have subsequently done a little updating,  plus some amplification as more information has come to light.   My records go up to year 2004,  sail number 13850,  and for the present time that is probably sufficient,  since I presume that people who own younger GP14s already know when they were built.

      The very earliest sail numbers were issued in blocks to clubs,  who then issued them to their members as required,  rather than being issued centrally and sequentially;  thus numbers in just one and two digits,  and perhaps also those in the low hundreds,  have not necessarily been issued in strict date order.    However we do know that  –  with one exception,  which is duly mentioned in the table  –   they were all issued within the very early stage.

      That one exception is interesting.   In the middle period,  probably the seventies,  one of the doyens of the Class,  possibly Cubby Ackland (a past President),  discovered that one of these very early sail numbers in a block issued to Royal Northumberland Yacht Club had never been used.   So he acquired the number,  and then built a “vintage” GP14 to 1950/51 specification,  which he duly registered under that number.     So we have a relatively modern “vintage” boat,  vintage in all respects except her chronological year.

      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by getmwaqar.
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