GP14 Sailing Forums Forum Hello from a new member – Sail #13841

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    • #12250


      I’ve just joined and am tweaking my boat, sail # 13841, a GRP named Pluto, ahead of a trip to Kintyre.

      Additions are basic but advice on type, location and how best to fit rowlock sockets and also fairleads on the foredeck  (and cleat for the anchor line forward of the mast?) would be much appreciated. Also I have been offered a 5hp 4 stroke  but am not sure it may be a bit overkill  – the outboard is only a backup so maybe smaller and lighter? It will be mounted via one of those ally plate + wedge shaped jobs on the transom.

      Anyway, any info gladly received.

      Cheers, Stewart.



    • #12258

      Quiet here isn’t it.

    • #12265

      Oliver is your man for cruising info, of where and what to put onto your boat, but he usually goes away for the summer sailing so only gets on every now and again during July and August



    • #12276
      Oliver Shaw

      I have just picked this up while weather-bound in port.

      On the matter of the outboard,  the boat was designed to accommodate the Seagull,  the model that later became the forty-plus,  stowed athwartships beneath the stern deck when not in use,  and it was usual to cut an access hatch into the stern deck to enable the outboard to be mounted direct to the transom.    You may feel that this defaces the boat!!!

      That motor is of course now obsolete,  although there are a great many of them still around;  and much loved and much hated (usually by different owners) in almost equal measure.

      For fuller information I would refer you to my paper entitled Fitting an Outboard in the Members’ Library;  in the All About Your GP14 section,  and for some obscure reason it is listed under Maintenance.    Another paper which may well be of help to you is entitled Suitability for Cruising and Single-handing;   although you have not actually asked about the topics which it deals with I think you will find it worth at least being aware that the advice is there should you decide later that you wish to explore those avenues.

      Fitting oars and rowlocks;   I know that I have dealt with this on many occasions,  and I may be able to trace the advice,  which would save me a certain amount of typing.   Please bear with me,  and I will get back to you.




    • #12281

      Thanks for that. Maybe a touch large but I just bought a Seagull 102. It was cheap, local and a good runner so all good there. And I’m okay for mounting as I have a plate mounted to my transom into which a bracket slots.

      The oars have pretty much sorted themselves after I found a cheap pair of 7 footers on Gumtree. I did try to search the forum for advice on fitment but couldn’t figure out how to do so. Google’s come up with the goods though so all I now need to do is source some rowlocks and sockets. Might fit one to the transom too for a sculling option.


    • #12318
      Oliver Shaw

      Do check that your transom is up to the load imposed by the outboard.   As originally designed,  in 1949,  it would have been amply strong enough;   but over the decades since then the thickness of transoms of new boats has been reduced in the quest for weight reduction,  and your boat is a comparatively modern one.   The fact that a previous owner has fitted an outboard is no guarantee that this issue has been considered.

      If in doubt,  laminate a backing piece,  with the grain vertical,  onto the inside of the transom.    When I had A Capella built,  no. 13934,  not all that much younger than your boat,  I had this done by the builder during the build,  although in the end I could never bring myself to fit the outboard.



    • #13179
      Ann Penny

      Hope you are enjoying your new boat and all the advice has been helpful. 🙂


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