Home Forums Forum Gp14 hull repairs

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    • #24041
      Jamie Barber

      Hello all,

      I’m a relatively new gp14 owner, having taken ‘ownership’ of my grandads GP which has basically sat under a cover covered in ivy for 27 or so years, the intention was it was probably scrap but on inspection the actual damage appears limited to a few exposed areas where the cover has failed to protect it or become torn. So I thought I would restore it in the hope of using it to sail with my own children(in the same way I learnt to sail in the same boat)


      It’s a series 1 boat approx 1962 (although this could be incorrect as I’m only using the sail number and the dating spreadsheet),

      The repairs I’m aware I’m going to need to do are (in no particular order..

      • Small areas of the main ply hull which will need repairing around the transom and on the sides of the boat,
      • Transom will  need some repair (interestingly the boat has a raised arched track over the back of the boat to receive the mainsheet rigging so I’m keen to know a bit more about this as it certainly doesn’t feature on most GP’s)
      • Entire deck replacement.
      • Obviously I assume I will find a few more surprises once I start removing paint.


      I’ve yet to order a set of plans from the association and also need to get the history of the boat (beyond what I know from clearing through my grandparents affairs)



      My question is… what is he suggested order to tackle these repairs?  My thoughts were transom, hull sides then deck last. Is this a sensible order?



      Thanks for taking the time to read my data dump!



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