GP14 Sailing Forums Forum GP builders

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    • #22555
      Chris Moulton

      Does anyone have information regarding Keith Atkinson built GP14? Many thanks

    • #22565
      Oliver Shaw

      No-one else seems to have picked this up,  and I regret that I cannot help.

      There have been numerous builders over the years,  some of them producing a substantial number of GP14s but some others producing only a very few,  and I confess that Keith Atkinson is one that I have never heard of.

      An online search is less than helpful,  producing numerous spurious “hits” which seem to be generic pages with the Keith Atkinson name simply inserted  –  and as such they are are utterly worthless.

      Sorry not to be more help!



    • #22566
      Chris Moulton

      Thanks for reply. I too have searched, mainly because there is one for sale near me which I am interested in



    • #22567

      The name rings a distant bell as a boatbuilder, but not as a builder of GPs.

      I am presuming the boat is a Series 1 aka Mk1 wooden hull?

      Why do you ask the question? If you are after a soundly built boat a visit to see it should tell you all you need to know. The “mass produced” 60s and 70s hulls tended to suffer from cheap ply, steel screws and iffy glue. They were not resin coated and certainly not intended to last 40-50 years when built! The fact that many do is testament to the craftsmanship of the time – only the better ones survive outside.

      My point is that if you go and look at it all of those problems will be immediately apparent if the boat has them, and if the boat is in good order if you maintain it well chances are it will stay that way.

      Will it be fast? That is another question! I suspect if it was a priority you would be looking for a Series 2 boat.

    • #22568
      Oliver Shaw

      I have now had a reply,  outside the forum,  from Graham Knox,  who knew Keith at one time and can shed a little light.

      If you care to email me ( I can forward his reply.



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