Home Forums Forum Foresail fairlead location


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      I’ve just fitted one traveller/fairlead on the side deck as per my previous post (I was heartened that they are in the right place as there are a series of holes plugged with possibly factory blue gelcoat).  As I was doing this a chap who races a new Wayfarer suggested that I put them on the seats as is now done on Wayfarers as it gives a better sheeting angle.

      I have read the CA Rules and it doesn’t specifically cover this other than:

      “Foresail fairleads may be fitted anywhere on the side decks but may not overhang either inboard or outboard.

      It is not specifically excluded but does “may be fitted on the side decks” mean “must”?  I’ve looked at photos of new boats & can’t work it out.

      Many thanks




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