Asking all painters, How do you keep dust out of the final top coats when finishing at home.
Presently applying Top coats of International Perfection Pro which has a long cure time especially at 10/12 deg. C
Having hoovered everywhere and then used a blower and then kept a fan on sucking the dust filled air out of the work shop for a couple of hours I shut down over night. Tack ragged the hull next morning and roller away for the next hour and a half all the while moving carefully around the hull. On inspection two days later the hull although so glossy has minute particles everywhere.
Thinking of erecting a polytunnel inside the shed and over the dinghy. One end open to a window which will be covered with a filter and open the other end at the door with a portable fan facing out of the door ( sucking air )
Wanting to achieve the best finish possible what else can be done to eradicate this fine dust.
Thanking you for your answers.
Dave R.
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