Home Forums Forum Deck Replacement

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      Hi everyone,

      Our Uni sailing club has been donated a wooden Mk1 GP, and seeing as everyone else sails strange little plastic things, I’ve been delegated the task of fixing it up ready to sail.

      The decks are pretty much completely rotten, and need to be replaced, but the hull and frame seem to be in pretty decent shape.

      The plan is:

      -Put the boat inside our container to let it dry out.

      -Lift off the rotten decks, pull out any nails or screws and generally clean up the surface underneath. Sand thwarts and floor.

      -Buy some 6mm exterior ply from a hardware shop because we can’t afford good marine stuff.

      -Using the old decks as a template, cut them to shape, sand rough edges.

      -Put a coat of West epoxy on what is going to be the top side, make sure the cut edges are completely sealed. Wait for it to dry, varnish both sides.

      -Put some epoxy filler onto the frame and hull of the boat where it will be in contact with the deck to make it watertight, and stick the entire thing down with copper nails.

      -Fill any gaps with clear epoxy and sand back until smooth.

      -Stick original gunwales back on using nails and epoxy (they seem to be in  okay shape, and even if they’re a little spongy, they will most likely be used as bumpers anyway)

      -Put on about 5 coats of varnish on everything, letting the boat dry fully between each one.

      -Replace fittings, dipping screws in epoxy before screwing in.

      -Sail boat, amaze everyone with my skills.


      Seeing as I’m basically an idiot when it comes to boat maintenance and repair, are there any glaring flaws in this plan, or advice the good people of the forum could give me?

      Many Thanks,


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