GP14 Sailing Forums Forum Crew wanted

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    • #10819

      Hello. I became a helm last season thanks to my partner abandoning me for another class. I need helm practice! So I’m looking for a new sailing partner to train with. I’m based at Chipstead SC (Sevenoaks) Kent but am willing to travel. Anyone interested is very welcome and can have three free sails as a guest and we can take it from there. I’d also be interested in entering GP series.

      Thank you ?

    • #10820
      Oliver Shaw

      Congratulations on graduating to the blunt end of the boat!


      If you have no other suitable takers I may just possibly be able to help,  albeit indirectly.


      Although I am not in the market myself  –  I have long since retired from racing GP14s,  and I live 300 miles away from you  –   I do have a young (by my standards) friend living in Sevenoaks,  who thirty years ago was one of my regular crews for yacht cruising and who also sailed his own dinghy.


      I don’t know how much sailing he has done since family responsibilities arrived,  and I have not seen him sail a dinghy since he was a boy,  but in his younger days he was immensely keen,  and I can confirm that at least in a yacht he was very competent  –   sufficiently so to sail as my first mate when I took a party of school pupils on a week’s cruise in a chartered yacht.    Now in his late forties.


      Let me know if you would like me to put you in touch,  subject of course to him also being interested;   but I won’t sound him out until I know whether you are potentially interested.



    • #10822

      Thank you Oliver, that’s very kind. I’ll take you up on the offer if I may.



    • #10823
      Oliver Shaw

      Right;   I will contact Adam as soon as I can and ask whether he would be interested.

      Would you like to contact me privately,  out of the public domain:   acapella13934 “AT”,  or 0151-724-1127.    Then when I have contacted Adam I can let you know the response.




    • #10826
      Oliver Shaw


      I spoke with Adam this evening,  and he was half tempted;   but unfortunately with a combination of family commitments (4 children,  all needing a lot of ferrying around for their respective sporting activities) plus an interesting but very demanding job with an immense amount of worldwide travel,  he feels that the time is not right.   He cannot currently take on additional weekend commitments.





    • #10829

      Hi Oliver

      Thank you for asking him, appreciate that.

      Best wishes


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