Home Forums Forum Coronavirus Restrictions

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    • #20083
      Oliver Shaw

      Members will have already received today’s E-Newsletter,   dealing primarily with the sailing implications of the Covid situation,

      As a parallel but separate piece of information,  I am forwarding a post just received a few minutes ago from my sailing club,  because I think it has relevance for all of us who are in the UK,  and quite probably for the rest of our membership worldwide.

      Post follows:


      Launching restrictions at LSC

      we have received this information from another club. I was not aware of the advice but it would seem that any launching is now considered unessential and not allowed. Therefore the Club’s stance on this is that ALL LAUNCHING is suspended. The General Committee will keep this under review.


      This was the message received.


      Dear Members

      We fully understand the frustrations of being cooped up during the current pandemic and the need for exercise.

      However, we must advise that there should not be any boating, canoeing, paddle-boarding and kayaking activities during the current lock-down.

      The Environment Agency, Canoeing Association and the RNLI are asking the owners of all boats and other boating craft, kept or used on our waterways, are not used to make any journeys other than to access essential services and facilities.

      This guidance applies to all boats and craft, powered and non-powered.

      The only boat movements supported at this time are for live-aboard boaters who need to access essential services, and for commercial operators who provide essential services to support those living on the water.

      The above organisations do not consider boating for recreational purposes, powered or unpowered, to be adhering to the government guidelines.

      The reasons might not immediately be apparent but please consider what would happen if an emergency arose whilst you were on the water.

      Your first reaction would be to call on the coast guard and/or RNLI. The RNLI has paused its lifeguard patrols in line with government advice. Those volunteers called out would be unable to follow social distancing guidelines as they work and that puts them at greater risk from contracting the virus.

      So, we ask for your support.

      With many thanks

      Ken Gurr

      Honorary Secretary

      The Quay Sailing Club
      The Quay
      Quay Road
      St Germans
      PL12 5NA

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