GP14 Sailing Forums Forum Bungs

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    • #22162


      My old wooden GP14, bought Christmas 2020, has 3 presumably original bungs and one newer one. The ones that seem original, or at least old, are rubber with a metal core that forms a handy little bobble that’s easy to pull.

      Can anyone advise where I can buy a set of replacements, please? I lost the newer, all-rubber one, which never did fit as well, and would like to replace with the other type if poss.

      Thanks very much,

      Laura Thomas

    • #22163

      Hello Laura,

      It’s very unlikely that you will find the original bungs, the design is after all 70 years old. I did search and found two manuufacturers, one of whom offers samples so it might be worth taking measurements and asking both for samples.  Having difficulty copying link. One is Ley Holdings, the other Good luck with your search.


    • #22181
      Oliver Shaw


      I concur with Norman,  that you are unlikely to find the originals.   But while looking for something else on eBay just now I found some which might suit if they are not too large;    most of them suit a 24 mm hole,  but a few are 18 mm.

      The obvious disclaimer;   I do not know the firm or the products,  so I can only go from the adverts,  and for that reason this is not an endorsement.   Make your own enquiries.

      Hope this helps.



    • #22205

      Hi Laura,

      Looking at Oliver’s link I inadvertedly clicked on a general search and discovered that there are lots of laboratory suppliers on Ebay with solid rubber bungs. Should you choose that option you could secure the bungs by using a sailmaker’s needle to thread a cord through the centre and end it with a stopper knot at the wider end. If you then thread the cord as a loop through the holes in the transom before dealing with the second bung you end up with both bungs hanging secure and always to hand. Just another option.

      Cheers, Norman


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