Josh Porter at the 2017 Nationals

Josh porter happy with consistent scores

A great post for Josh Porter’s third diary update. Josh tells of the ups, downs (and capsizes, gear failures and successes) during the week in Looe at the 2017 Nationals. Well done Josh !

Josh Porter – Diary Update July 2017

Josh at Ulster Champs

Josh Porter, our first grant recipient for the Richard Estaugh Fund, gives us a diary update  The Richard Estaugh Fund is a bursary fund to which GP14 sailors can apply for assistance towards worthwhile sailing related projects. These take many forms, from sailing campaigns, to coaching or providing assistance or buddying for people with a disability. Grants are […]

Josh Porter – My diary

Richard Estaugh Fund – Josh Porter, a young GP14 sailor and our first grant recipient, begins his diary. Read about what it means to him personally.