GP 796 “Ventura” soon to be back afloat
This is a fascinating article by Betty Armstrong on the history and restoration of GP 796 “Ventura”, originally owned by Ernie Mawhinney. Betty Armstrong is Afloat and Yachting Life‘s Northern Ireland Correspondent and would have sailed against Ernie in her youth. Ernie was also a contemporary of our very own President Curly Morris when they both started […]
E-Sailing Irish National Championship

We invite all active GP14 sailors to join our E-Sailing Irish National Championship, sponsored by Craftinsure. This will be held on 4th and 5th July 2020.
2018 Ulster Championship Report and Results
Congratulations to Shane MacCarthy and crew Andy Davis taking the 2018 Ulster Championships over a sunny weekend at Donaghadee SC. Silver fleet winner was Peter & Stephen Boyle with Peter also taking the Ulster Youth Championship trophy. Bronze fleet win was taken by Jack Buttimer & Adam McDonagh. Full Results are below: Race report by […]
Irish Nationals 2017

The GP14 2017 Irish Nationals were held on 19th-21st August at Ballyholme Yacht Club. 29 boats competed which included one visiting team from the UK – John Hayes, an ex 470 campaigner from Southport who was sailing with Joel James. With conditions varying wildly over the 3 days and nine races, from 30 knot gusts […]