Sustainability Policy

The GP14 Class Association is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. The Class supports activities to promote environmental sustainability such as the World Sailing Sustainability Education Programme and Green Events guidelines as well as the RYA The Green Blue charter.  

As dinghy sailors, we are privileged to sail on rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and the open sea. We need to preserve this environment so future generations can enjoy it also. The GP14 Association is committed to upholding the principles of sustainability and minimising the impact of our activities on the environment.  

The GP14 Class is over 70 years old and actively encourages the repair and reuse of older boats thus minimising the environmental impact of sailing. 

Our objectives are:  

  • To promote sustainability and environmental best practice amongst our members, our suppliers and our events at the sailing and yacht clubs we visit  
  • To minimise pollution through the promotion of sustainable activities and travel  
  • To reduce the use of resources and encourage recycling and reusing  
  • To support the protection of biodiversity in the marine, coastal and freshwater environments in which we sail  

Our reasons for adopting a sustainable approach to our environment are: 

  • To meet the expectations of our members, those with whom we come into contact and the wider community  
  • To lead by example  
  • To manage our resources as efficiently as possible through recycling and reusing  
  • To comply with the environmental legislation which covers the areas in which we sail 

 GP14 Class Association actions:  

  • We will publish this document in a prominent position on the website and send an email link to all members to draw their attention to this policy and action plan 
  • Use email, social media and website as much as possible to reduce the quantity of paper communications sent to members.  
  • Promote sustainability in all class communications 
  • Encourage online meeting and when required sustainable travel to Association committee meetings  
  • Create a new role on the governing committee for a dedicated sustainability champion  
  • We will measure progress and review our action plan annually 

GP14 boat 

  • We will continue to promote the refurbishment and reuse older boats 
  • We will encourage the use of lower impact materials in boat repairs and refurbishment 
  • We will encourage the reuse and recycling of boat parts and sails via the Association website 
  • We will encourage new boat builders to use low impact sustainable materials that can be easily repaired 

GP14 Events 

  • We will encourage clubs hosting GP14 open events to follow World Sailing green events guidelines and appropriate national policies and guidelines such as the RYA Green Blue Charter and the RYA greening my club recommendations.  
  • For National and International events we will seek venues that are actively delivering sustainability programmes and are committed to the World Sailing Green Event guidelines 

GP 14 Members Actions: 

The Association will communicate with all members on how they can be more environmentally friendly.  This could include: 

  • Encourage members at events to recycle, to prevent littering and to turn off lights and water when not in use.  
  • Make all members aware of World Sailing’s Rule 55 which states that ‘A competitor shall not intentionally put trash in the water.’  
  • Provide guidance on how bow stickers or decals should be applied to stop them from peeling off during an event and littering the shore or ending up in the water.  
  • To use reusable water bottles whilst afloat and to ensure they are secure to prevent loss.  
  • Require travelling members to follow the national guidelines to prevent the spread of invasive species.  This is likely to include the wash down of boats paying particular attention to trolleys, centreboard cases, equipment, clothing etc.  
  • Encourage lift share and multi boat transportation to events. 

Recommendations for GP14 Class Event Hosting Clubs  

Where the GP14 Class is participating in or running an event we would encourage the hosting clubs to follow World Sailing Green Events guideline as well as national programmes such the RYA Green Blue to promote sustainability. Such areas to consider:  

  • Identify what measures should be taken to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive non-native species relevant to the event’s location and type.  
  • Reduce/remove the need for printed material by using email and website, providing online entry for events as well as all supporting documents including NoR and SI’s.  
  • Identify water filling stations for refillable drinks bottles.  
  • Provide recycling.  
  • Include details of sensitive habitats/wildlife to be avoided in Sailing Instructions and briefings.  
  • Promote sustainable boating by displaying appropriate posters and leaflets.  

During each GP14 Class event the GP14 Class Association will:  

  • Brief all competitors, staff and officials on this Sustainability Charter and how they can help the event to be more environmentally friendly.  
  • Remind participants regularly throughout the event to recycle, to prevent littering and to turn off lights and water when not in use.  
  • Remind all participants of World Sailing’s Rule 55 which states that ‘A competitor shall not intentionally put trash in the water.’  

Author Keith Budden GP14 Midlands Area Representative 

Date approved 9 November 2024 

Date for review November 2027