
Old Station Building
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Dinghy racing at Leigh-on-Sea is well supported with Fast, Medium and Slow handicap classes, RS400’s and RS200’s competing in fast and medium handicap fleets respectively. These fleets also include ISO’s RS600’s, and Catamarans as well as GP14’s, Lasers and Topper Topaz classes. The slow handicap class is made up mainly of Toppers, Mirror and Tideway Dinghies. Racing is run in conjunction with the Essex Yacht Club and the program includes combined starts from the LSC and EYC start lines. Races are held on the tide around set courses and are normally around one and a half hours long. Trophy races are also a feature of the sailing season as are combined inter club races.
It’s not all racing though. Local creeks and marshland features make Leigh-on-Sea the perfect place to potter. Home of the Tideway dinghy a 12’open boat that was designed and was traditionally built by Mr L.H Walker is idea for this type of leisure sailing.


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