Online entries are now open for the 2018 Youth and Masters Championships. The event will take place on 07 and 08 April at Poole Yacht Club. The event is always popular with last year’s Masters having 24 entrants and was won by the newest to qualify for the event, Gingerboats’ Andy Smith and Phil Hodgkins (Bassenthwaite SC). The 2018Youths had a good entry of 11 and was won by Nick Devereux and Tom Wallwork (Budworth SC/UPSPC).

This year’s event will see the Class visit Poole YC which has a big home GP14 fleet and a location that makes you feel like you are on the French Riviera.

This year both events will consist of 5 races held over 2 days with the first race starting at midday on the Saturday and 11am on Sunday. The event costs just £30, with a late entry fee applying after 04 April (and at the discretion of the host club) and there will be a BBQ on the Saturday night.

General Information:

Required fees are as follows:


Address and Accommodation:

More information and a link to online entry can be found on the GP14 website:

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