Picture Albums

We have some great pictures of recent events on this page. If you want videos, check the separate Video page.

 For older photos see our Picassa Archived Photo Albums

Older Items at the bottom of page!

2024 GP14 Northern Areas Championship – Bassenthwaite Sailing Club

Photos and write up provided by Bassenthwaite Sailing Club

2023 GP14 UK National Championship – Looe Sailing Club

All photos provided by Sailpics Thanks to Richard Craig

2023 Northern Areas Championship – Budworth Sailing Club

With thanks to Gordon Spruce


2022 Midlands Championship – Chase Sailing Club

With thanks to Charlie Minton

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2021 Masters Championship – Nantwich & Border Counties Sailing Club

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2021 Youth Championships – Budworth Sailing Club 

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GP14262 aka “Marland” is a wooden GP that was entered in the 2021 RYA Dinghy Show competition for “Boat of the Show” Trophy. Built in 2019 by Phil Hodgkins – Read the full story on this page

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With many thanks to Richard Craig http://www.sailpics.co.uk, please visit his photo website to see even more great pictures!

2019 Allen UK National Championship – Abersoch

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2019 Harken Inland Championship – held at Bristol Corinthian Y.C

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2018 GP14 World Championship  – held at Mounts Bay S.C England

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