Today’s guest coach for day 4 of the GP14 Youth Training Week was Andy Davies from HD Sails. After a quick briefing on mark rounding, hovering and starts it looked like there would be enough wind to launch and put it into practice. Unfortunately the wind died once the boats were on the water, but convinced it would return Storm kept the fleet out and was proved right when enough returned for a serious coaching session before lunch. The breeze held in the afternoon and the fleet stayed out until after 4pm.

Lee Mullins from Co. Kildare thought the day was brilliant even though there was little wind as his mark roundings had improved massively!

After the debrief and meal the group walked up to the Olympic Rings returning to chill on Chesil Beach.

<< Day 3 Report          Day 5 Report >>

Oliver and Pierce.
Edward and Szymon
At the Olympic Rings