Come Cruising with us in your GP14

We are reinstating the UK Cruising Week this year,  and we also have a number of other cruising events on offer;   these are in various different parts of the country,  spread over the course of the season,  and vary in duration from one day to a full week.    If you are interested in cruising,  or merely feel that you would like to try something a little different,  often in superb scenery,  we would love to see you on one or more of these events.

We also have one event on offer specifically for Series 1 boats (and the equivalent early GRP boats),  and we are working on a Vintage Boats programme for both this year and for our 70th Anniversary celebrations next year.   Again,  if you are interested and have (or have access to) a boat of the right age we would love to see you at one of these events.

We have also within the last few days been offered the possibility of a cruising event in North Brittany.   Please let me know if you are interested,  at

Finally,  if your club would like to offer either a Cruising or a Vintage Boats event for 2020,  please let me know,  at   I think we now have enough events for 2019,  and it is better to concentrate on supporting those already on the calendar or currently in planning,  rather than set up so many that all are diluted and none well attended because there is too much choice.   But it is nice to be in that position!

For further information please see the Cruising & Vintage Boats page of the website,  and/or the Spring issue of Mainsail once that comes out (it is not quite due yet).    Some of the information is developing almost daily,   and as of this afternoon the website page is fully up to date,  and I will try my best to keep it that way!    So do check it regularly for the latest information.
