Blessington Youth Training

Ten brave sailors ascended on to the picturesque lakes at Blessington Sailing Club last weekend, 9/10 Sept. for some vigorous training and a bit of fun!

Training Report and Video – Looe 4&5 August 2017

Ten boats arrived for sea training on the Friday and Saturday before the 2017 UK National Championships at Looe. The off-shore wind meant conditions in the dinghy park where not representative of the lively breeze in the bay, which proved to be the case for most of the week! Coaches – Jules Forde (Friday) and Niki […]

Ladies That Launch – Online booking now open!

By popular request, we are pleased to announce that the proposed ladies training at Welsh Harp Sailing Club on Sunday 16th July 2017 is now confirmed and online booking is open. The training follows the WHSC GP14 Open and Southern Traveller event on Saturday 15th July – so why not make a weekend of it! Lunch […]

Ladies that Launch!

After the success of last year’s ladies training at South Staffs Sailing Club we have been asked to run another session this year. We have been offered Sunday 16 July at Welsh Harp Sailing Club. This would follow their popular Open on 15 July and enable you to make a weekend of it enjoying the […]

E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week – Full Report

Watch the video The GP14 Youth Training Week has been an annual fixture in the GP14 calendar for many years, thanks to the memorial fund set up in the name E Howard-Davies, a former Secretary, President and strong advocate of youth sailing. This year it was held for the first time at Portland, in conjunction […]

E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week – Day 5

The guest coach on day 5 was British Sailing Team 470 sailor Sophie Weguelin and the focus of the day was on starting strategy and race strategy. There was a cherpy breeze and conditions good for practicing how to get the advantage in close encounters and avoiding dirty air. In the afternoon the sailors we give exercises that […]

E Howard-Davies Training Week – Day 4

Today’s guest coach for day 4 of the GP14 Youth Training Week was Andy Davies from HD Sails. After a quick briefing on mark rounding, hovering and starts it looked like there would be enough wind to launch and put it into practice. Unfortunately the wind died once the boats were on the water, but […]

E Howard-Davies Training Week – Day 3

The wind was up to a good force 5 today resulting in quite a few capsizes! Neil and Storm began the day with a classroom session on starting followed by transit exercises in the dinghy park before launching to spend the rest of the morning putting it into practice. After a quick lunch it was out again to continue yesterday’s work […]

E Howard-Davies Training Week – Day 2

Today’s guest coach Neil Marsden started with a session on boat tuning followed by an early lunch and long afternoon on the water. Unfortunately a Port-Starboard incident caused some boat damage but no injuries. Luckily Chris Beddow was on-shore and able to make the necessary repairs and get the boats ready for the morning whilst SI […]

E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week – Day 1 – Thank you Craftinsure!

E-Howard-Davies Youths with CraftInsure Hoodies

8 UK sailor and 4 Irish sailors arrived at Portland on Sunday 9 April for the E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week and were issued with smart team hoodies kindly donated by Craftinsure. On Monday morning house parents Gill Beddow and Adam Chaplin brought the sailors down to the dinghy park early so they could get their boats rigged […]