
Training Report – Introduction to Travelling at Trimpley Sailing Club

Trimpley Sailing Club is keen to encourage more of its members to join the Midland Bell open series.  We currently have only two regular GP14 travellers and invited Chris and Gill Beddow to provide potential…

Training Report – Race Training at Papercourt Sailing Club

On Saturday 16th March, despite a rather foreboding weather forecast putting off quite a number of participants, 10 hardy and keen sailors turned up to dark skies and 30 knots at Papercourt for a southern…

Ian & Gemma Dobson win the Venetian

2019 Southern Venetian Race Report

Gp 14 Southern Travellers, Venetian Trophy    6th April 2019 The top end of a gentle breeze from the North East so some consistent if not too strenuous exercise for the 3 visitors and 21 local…

Chase Midland Bell Open Report

The competition at the Chase SC always attracts a strong entry with this year the same as 20 boats ignored the rubbish mid-week forecast to turn up for the second round of the GP14 Midland…

Entry for our Championship Events

Enter now for our Midlands, Inlands and Welsh Championship events!  For on-line entry visit our Shop. The Midlands Championship is coming up real soon on 13th/14th April (entry closes on 10th April) so enter soon…

See us at the Dinghy Show!

All the arrangements are in place and a keen team is lined up to welcome you onto what we hope will be one of our best ever stands. We have a double-size stand, so come…


GP14 Welsh Championship – enter now!

Clear your diary and book your entry for the 2019 GP14 Welsh Championship at Llandudno on 26/27 April. For on-line entry and full details go to the GP14 Shop!  We also have a Sea Training…

Race Training with Ian Dobson

Race Training Event with coach Ian Dobson!

We are delighted that our next race training event is on March 16th which is a fantastic opportunity to learn from the best! So get down Papercourt SC near Woking, Surrey and learn from coach Ian…

Youth Training Week

2019 Craftinsure and E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week

The Association is extremely pleased to invite applications for our 2019 Craftinsure and E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week being held at  Plas Menai, Caernarfon, Gwynedd from Sunday 28 July to Friday 2 August 2018. Not…

DUFFIN MARINE – New email address:

Duffin Marine has a new email address: Email:

Come Cruising with us in your GP14

We are reinstating the UK Cruising Week this year,  and we also have a number of other cruising events on offer;   these are in various different parts of the country,  spread over the course of…

January News

Lots happening in 2019! Training and Cruising events with, of course, a full calendar of racing events in the UK and Ireland

Don’t forget to book your place for the UK Nationals in our online…

Happy Christmas to all our Members!

Happy Christmas everyone! We are sending all our members a 2019 Calendar – if you haven’t received it yet, it will drop through your mailbox shortly! A great job this year, congrats to everyone involved…

Exe Sails Genoa Raffle

Exe Sails Genoa Raffle 2019

Once again Exe Sails have very generously given the Association a brand new GP14 genoa to raffle. All proceeds will go to support the GP14 Youth Training Scheme. You can buy your tickets at just £2.00 each…

2019 UK National Championship

Step up for the 2019 UK National Championship! Hosted by SCYC in Abersoch It’s going to be a great event! Entry is now available in our online Shop , so book your place with either a…

Association News

Christmas is fast approaching and for some this signals the end of the sailing year. Up here in the far north, well at Derwent Reservoir in the North Pennines, we have had some snow, but…

2022 GP14 World Championship

Sri Lanka for 2022 GP14 World Championship! Wouldn’t you love to holiday and race (but not in the boat in the picture!) in such an exotic venue as Sri Lanka? Well you can!! Planning for…

Southerns – Victor Trophy Report

Twenty four crews, 19 local and 5 visitors assembled for the for the Victor Trophy at the Welsh Harp reservoir on 27th October, to be  informed at the briefing that the wind was “not blowing…

2018 End of Season Championship Report

When you have a championship where the first 5 boats are separated by a mere 3 points you know it’s been a competitive one! That was the case at the GP14 End of Season champs…

York RI Round Holes Trophy 2018

YORK RI’S ROUND HOLES TROPHY GOES AHEAD IN CHALLENGING CONDITIONS You do not need a big fleet to have an afternoon of close racing and great fun at York RI Sailing Club. This was amply…