Club updates

GP14 Northern Area Championships

  GP14 Northern Area Championships at Bolton SC If unbroken sunshine and a warm breeze is what you wanted for a weekend’s sailing then Bolton SC was the place to be, however if you were also…

Budworth at Southport 12Hour Race

Southport 12 Hour Junior Race 2018

Congratulations to the GP14 junior teams from Budworth S.C and Southport S.C who came first and second in the Southport 12 Hour Junior Race 2018, from a total of 23 teams racing! Full results are…

Northern Bell event at BudworthSC

 A glorious sunny day greeted the sailors arriving at Budworth Mere last Sunday, with a light westerly wind hopes rose that a thermal wind would arrive. But by the time the race briefing by PRO…

Midland Bell event at SHSC 28.04.18

By Charles Saunders, Photos Ann Nugent and Ben Walker Sandwiched between the Midland Championship at Chase the weekend before and the Inlands at Bala next weekend there were some worries about turnout to this event…

Irish “Hot Toddy” event report

The GP14 Annual Hot Toddy event took place over the weekend of the 14th / 15th October 2017 on beautiful Lough Owel hosted by Mullingar Sailing Club. See the full results and more on the…

Lennon Racewear sponser the GP14 Masters and Youth Championship

PRESS RELEASE: Budworth Sailing Club is pleased to announce  LENNON RACEWEAR as the main sponsor for the prestigious GP14 Masters, Grand Masters and Youths competition to be held at Budworth SC on the 28th and 29th October….

Barbados to Bolton GP14 Open

Barbados to Bolton GP14 Open – Sunday 1st October Having last sailed a GP14 off the white sandy beaches and warm steady breezes of Barbados it seems only natural that Neil Marsden and Derek Hill…

Frank Nickless and Michelle Evans

Southerns – Welsh Harp Victor 2017

Gp 14 Southern Travellers.   Welsh Harp S.C   24 Boats    Wind   F2 SW Twenty Four boats competed for the 2017 GP Victor trophy, the fourth race of the GP14 Southern Travellers series at the Welsh Harp…

Southport Junior 12 Hour Race

This unique event brings together youth sailors from all around the country to compete in Argo’s, GP14’s and the ever popular Enterprise. Held on the relatively safe waters of the Marine Lake, this popular event…

Tollesbury Open- Race Report

On Saturday 12th June 16 GP 14 sailing dinghies gathered at  Tollesbury  Sailing Club for the fourth round of the London and SE travellers’ series. After tea and bacon rolls to fortify the visitors, many…

Budworth SC

Northern Bell – Budworth SC GP14 Open

On Sunday 4th June, thirteen club boats offered a warm welcome to three visitors to the 2017 Budworth Sailing Club GP14 Open, part of the Northern Bell Circuit. The day offered bright and sunny conditions…

Purcell Trophy 2017 -Photo by Monica Schaefer

Ireland – Purcell Trophy – Greystones SC

Congratulations to Ger Owens & Mel Morris on their Purcell Trophy win. It was a hard fought battle between Ger & Mel and Greystones Shane MacCarty sailing with Damien Bracken. The Purcell Trophy 2017 was hosted by…

Windy sailing at Southport

Northern Bell update from Southport

Strong winds provided a challenge at Southport on 30th April, but provided exciting sailing for the few that took part. Check out the video, which shows what a versatile racing boat the GP14 can be…

Bolton S.C

Bolton, 7/8 May 2016: very like Barbados

It was with plenty of tongue in cheek that the advertisement for the Bolton GP14 Open on Sunday 8 May referred to the event as the Barbados of the North, so most would still have…