In response to a specific request from a member, we are offering an Advanced Cruiser Training Weekend at Graffham Sailing Club on the weekend of October 12th/13th. Possibly arriving on the Friday evening, and with a pub meal. The venue is a change from Rutland Water (as previously advised).
This will be aimed at those who are already basically competent dinghy sailors, and the intention will be to now equip participants with the specific additional skills for independent cruising. The course involves both shore-based training and time on the water.
This is subject to sufficient numbers. It is subsidised by the Association, and the trainer (yours truly) is meeting his own expenses and not charging for his time; the cost then works out at £60 per trainee provided we have eight trainees in four boats. I am assured that that cost is still substantially below the cost of a comparable course provided by a commercial establishment, if indeed it were possible to source such training at all.
If we are slightly below that number we will revise the cost, and discuss with those wishing to participate. If necessary we might be able to reduce the costs by limiting the on-water training to just one of the two days, which would halve both the RIB costs and the launch fees.
In passing, it will also equip participants for the cruising skills needed for cruising in an organised fleet event, since if you have the skills to cruise independently you can take organised cruising fleet events in your stride.
The detailed planning is still in progress, but I hope that an early draft outline will be emailed as an attchment to the August E-Newsletter. Sorry this is not the latest version, but I am currently away cruising and the latest version is on my home computer.
Camping is available on site; £10/night for tents, £15 per night for campervans/motorhomes
If you are interested, do please book up early, as the event is absolutely dependent on sufficient numbers to make it financially viable.
Oliver L. Shaw
Cruising Rep.