Vintage Boats

Vintage Boats

We are very proud of our historic heritage,  including our vintage boats,  some of them seriously early and still sailing.

Amongst those,  boat no. 2,  Pimpernel,  the earliest surviving sail number in the world,  is now owned by the Association and has recently undergone a major restoration.   We are now looking for a permanent home for her,  which will preferably allow her to be exhibited,  and will also enable her to still be sailed on occasion.


Vintage Boat races:
Two early films 
from the 1960 of vintage GP14s racing on the river Ouse in York

These two early films are stored in the Yorkshire Film Archive, and give a fascinating view of early racing in GP14s – of especial interest to current owners of early vintage boats!
Many thanks to to the film archive.

The Watkins Trophy 1964 This is a film of the 1964 Watkins Trophy small boat sailing race between contestants from York, Leicester and London.  The competition was held in York on the River Ouse 

Compass Trophy Race 1968 This is a film of the 1968 Compass Trophy Race taking place at York RI Division, with four sailing boat contestants, each with a crew of two

Please note: You may find there is an issue with security settings (using Chrome browser). If so, please try these links instead from the British Film Institute:

Watkins Trophy 1964  Compass Trophy 1964

Just discovered – 1985 video:
Lots of wind and 196 boats in the gate start  – The 1985 GP14 World Championships at Mumbles – lots of fun and start line excitement!

and if you like that, here is part 2 – for some reason followed by Laser Nationals 1986!!