Forums Forum New Member – new 'old' boat

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    • #9374

      Hello. My name is Mike and I’m a new member here. I’m based in Ireland. I’ve just procured series I wooden GP in need of refurbishing. Its from about 1988 and was home built/finished in Northern Ireland to what seems like a high standard. It was left out side under a <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>disintegrating cover </span>for<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> a number of years and the decks look </span>rough<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> </span>particularly at the bow. <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> Transom needs a look as well. The rest seem very sound so far.</span>

      Could anyone advise where i might find information such as building instruction that might guide me as I head in to this project. I’ve seen good info on many other aspects of the boat both here and on the yahoo site. The nearest I’ve seen to building info is Mike Smith’s Wooden Wayfarer restoration manual. Is there something similarly informative for the GP14.


      Mike Flynn


    • #9377
      Oliver Shaw

      You will probably find the book published by Bell Woodworking,  Home Boat Building Made Easy,  helpful.     It is long out of print,  but may well be available via the usual online second-hand booksellers.   Alternatively there is a scanned copy on the GP14 Owners Online Community site,  which I think is what you meant by the Yahoo site that you mentioned.


      Another book that may be helpful,  is by Ian Proctor;   Racing Dinghy Maintenance.   That is also a “period book”,  and I suspect long out of print but again available via the usual sources.


      And you will find a lot of help and support within the GP14 Owners Online Community.


      Hope this helps,





    • #9378

      Thanks Oliver. I must dig through the that scanned copy. And search for that Ian Proctor book as well.

      Is there building plans available ?

      I’m keen to take it apart as gently as possible and reuse the gunwales etc they appear to be nailed& glued from first glance.

      It just going in to shed tomorrow so I ‘ll probably learn the  full scale of project over the coming weeks.





    • #9379
      Oliver Shaw

      Officially,  building plans are available from the Association office.


      Whether they still have the Series 1 plans I don’t know,  but at least it is worth asking.




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