GP14 Sailing Forums Forum beating angle, up-wind power and tuning

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    • #7475

      Hi Everyone

      I’m using Goacher sails, selden (proctor) rig and a harper hull….

      I’m struggling to point up wind, every gust knocks me flat unless I dump the sail and bear off massively and loose even more ground up-wind.

      I think they are related….

      Downwind if anything i’m over powered! boat can feel really unstable at times! its more like sailing an Ent than a GP!!!

      I am using the set up from the guide on goachers website, 380 spreader length, 180 deflections and 21’9.5″ rake (which I quite long compared to the other guides

      Now I’m thinking I could drop it down to 21’9 as I don’t really have that much pre-bend…. but

      would I not be better to shorten my spreaders and perhaps increase the deflection??

      or does anyone have any magic numbers they wish to share for a club/bronze fleet sailor who doesn’t fancy being beaten by the solo’s AGAIN!





    • #7495

      I tend to get quite overpowered as well. I find GPs quite like to be sailed “feathered”. When the gust hits, I will take the boat a couple of degrees above close-hauled, which drops off the power. It takes a bit of getting used to to judge exactly how far to feather (and in bigger gusts, F6  and higher, you’ll still end up on your ear!), but it works really well, especially on flat water.

      Bearing away in gusts upwind probably isn’t helping you much, as I doubt your crew is letting off the jib as quickly as you’re letting off the main. Better to feather, as you don’t need to adjust the sails as much, and it will buy you some height as well.

    • #7497

      Hi Peter


      tbh thats what I try to do. Always managed it in my older GP’s, but this one just doesn’t cope well! and the Genoa is like a switch when going up wind, one second all tell tails flying then…. BANG i’m backed

      I’ve taken a little out of spreader length, and a little out of the deflection, and it was better, so I might take a little more out for next weekend.

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