Forums Forum Replacement forestay and genoa halyard

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    • #28086
      David F

      Quick question,

      I’ve just returned to the class and I am thinking of replacing my forestay and genoa halyard with dyneema. Is this class legal please.

      Thank you


    • #28091
      Oliver Shaw

      Under the Class Rules currently on the website (2019 edition) this appears to be fully class legal;   and my general understanding of the position would have been that it was anyway.

      However we are in the process of revising the Rules to bring them into line with the World Sailing pattern;    don’t ask me why we have to be beholden to a self-appointed outside body,  but there you are.     That revision has entailed moving many of the dimensions and specifications from the Rules to the Plans,  and I confess that I have not kept fully up to date on those changes.

      So for a properly authoritative answer I recommend that you ask the Office,  and your enquiry will surely then be directed to the Technical & Rules team,  who will be in an authoritative position to answer it.

      Hope this helps,



    • #28092
      David F

      Thanks Oliver

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