The 71st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the G.P. Fourteen Class International Association will be held as a ‘Zoom’ Conference call on Monday 26th July 2021 at 19.00Hrs.

Please email with your required email address if you wish to take part in the meeting, and we will send you the link necessary to join.


1. Persons present (recorded in advance).
2 Apologies for absence.
3 President’s welcome.
4 Minutes of the meeting of the 70th Annual General Meeting.
5 The Secretary’s Report.
6 The Treasurer’s Report and consideration of the Annual Accounts.
7 The President’s future considerations.
8 Membership fees for the coming year.
9 Appointment of auditors.
10 Election of Officers.
11 Proposed revision of the constitution.
       That the second sentence in the final paragraph of clause 10 of the constitution be changed

12 Election of the directly elected members of General Committee.
13 Date for next meeting and closing comments from the President.