Edward Ramsden MBE 1938-2019

On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, Edward Ramsden, loving husband and father of three children, passed away at the age of 81.

Edward (Eddie) was born May 20, 1938 in Pelaw, Tyne & Wear. Apart from a very brief stint working with his father on the railways, his career was dedicated to environmental health. He practiced in numerous roles throughout the country culminating in his position of Director of the Environment, Swansea which he retired from in the mid 1990’s. Additionally to this, he held a position at the Welsh Office and advised the UK government when required. For all the services he gave so readily to, he was awarded an MBE which he received at Buckingham Palace in 1996.

Eddie had many passions in life, not least of which was scootering in the 1950’s and 60’s with Jean, his fiancé and then wife. He also loved to walk the mountains of both the Lake District and the Brecon Beacons. His love of skiing took him to many parts of the world and allowed him to introduce numerous people to the sport by being a volunteer instructor at his local dry ski slope. The pleasure he took from photography, which he held from a young age, allowed him to record a lot of his life’s history as well as producing some beautiful shots which his family treasure. A long held ambition to play a musical instrument was fulfilled later in life when he learnt to play the ukulele and he had some great times with the ukulele clubs he and Jean joined. His passion for sailing, however, deserves a paragraph of its own.

Learning with South Shields Sea Scouts at a young age, Eddie sailed, and was involved in the administration of the sport, most of his life. From the early 1970’s he was heavily involved with the GP14 class association and he travelled the country competing in the class events. In 1976, coincidentally at a place he would move to just four years later, he was made President of the GP14 International Class Association. Later, he was to become a Trustee of the class, a position he held until his passing. In the 1960’s and 70’s he sailed at Greenlee Sailing Club in Northumberland. After moving to Wales, in the early 1980’s, he joined, and then became Commodore of, Mumbles Yacht Club where he established an RYA Training Centre during his tenure. Latterly he sailed at Llangorse Sailing Club where he relished the combination of inland racing and spectacular mountain views. Nationally, he became Chairman of the Welsh Yachting Association in the early 1980’s from where his involvement with the Royal Yachting Association increased progressively, culminating in him becoming Chairman of the RYA followed by Chairman of the Paralympic Steering Committee. For these services and more, he was awarded an Honorary Life Membership Award by President of the RYA, HRH The Princess Royal. Eddie also took great pleasure in being able to see the very highest level of sailing by becoming an ISAF International Judge which took him to some superb international Olympic class events. All of this involvement resulted in him meeting hundreds of people and making many great friends.

Eddie leaves behind his wife Jean, his three children, Judith, John and Alistair, his four Grandchildren Jonathan, James, Flynn and Toby and his Great Grandson Isaac.

A funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, August 14th 2019, at Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton at 2.45pm. Family flowers only please. If you would like to give a donation in lieu of flowers then the family would appreciate it if it could go to Macmillan Cancer Support or Marie Curie please, both of which were unbelievable in the assistance they gave the family.

As Eddie’s wish was to have his ashes taken to Swansea, a Remembrance Service will be held in Mumbles, Swansea, with a date to be announced.