Events for 2020
Although it is a year ahead we need to start planning for Cruising and Vintage Boat activities in 2020, so we ask Members now to let us know what you would like. Please let us know either by email to or by adding a comment below.
We already have offers from Members for a cruising event in North Brittany and, nearer to home, at Llyn Tegid (a.k.a. Bala Lake); see the main Cruising page. Both these offers are provisional at this stage, and are dependent upon the degree of interest; the members concerned need to approach their clubs if there is sufficient interest, and to do so in good time, so please let us know ASAP if you would like to participate.
Second, we need to plan for the UK National Cruising Week. If I am to run the event it will have to be after I finish my summer exam marking, and it will also have to fit in with my own broader holiday plans. My two headline options for my own main summer cruise in my trailer-sailer yacht are (1) launch on the south coast, with a view to sailing to the Channel Islands and then cruising there, or (2) make a point of attending the GP Worlds at Skerries, ideally with a vintage GP instead of the yacht, and thereafter once again cruise my home patch, the Irish Sea. Of course if someone else offers to run it the choice could be wider.
So in either case, if I myself am to run the Cruising Week the date would be late July, and the two options are
- South coast (possibly Plymouth, or Salcombe, or Brixham; but could be anywhere from Falmouth/Helford area to about Teignmouth), in the second half of July, or
- Skerries, sharing the event with the World Championship, 25-31 July, and ideally attracting some Vintage boats and having a special programme within the event for them.
Please let us know sooner rather than later if you are interested in participating in either of these, and please let us know which you would prefer.
We would like to be able to take a decision by the time of our autumn Committee Meeting.